Eric Evenstad
Read Time: 3 Minutes
Happy Sunday! Here are a few things that I've been thinking about or that have caught my interest this week. I hope you enjoy.
I'm the type of person that creates 3-4 notifications for each event on my calendar. It might sound excessive but it's what's needed to keep my overactive brain on top of things.
Until recently, I was manually setting up these notifications each time I created a new calendar event. It wasn't hard to do but if you know me, you know I hate doing these types of boring, repetitive tasks.
So I started digging around to see if there was a better way and I quickly discovered that you can automate this process by customizing your calendar's default notification settings.
Now, anytime I create a calendar event, my custom notifications are automatically added to the event. For me, that includes an email reminder 3 days before an event, an email reminder 18 hours before an event, an email reminder 3-4 hours before an event, and a desktop/phone notification 30-60 minutes before an event.
It might not sound like a ground-breaking discovery but it will easily save me 2-4 hours of mind-numbing work per year.
Here's a step-by-step guide explaining how to customize those settings... just in case you're the type of person that relies on a small army of event notifications.
I recently started using a new software tool called Tango that automatically creates step-by-step written instructions (with screenshots) for any task in my business.
It's an absolute must-have tool for anybody that wants to quickly delegate tasks to employees or virtual assistants.
All you have to do is complete a task on your computer once and Tango works behind the scenes to document the entire process.
If you haven't already, go click the link in the previous section to see what it looks like.
Last week, a friend shared this article with me and I found it to be packed with wisdom for living a better, more fulfilling life.
In it, the author offers simple tips on everything from health to relationships to cooking.
My recommendation is to use it as a prompt for deeper thinking. Pick 2-3 tips from the list each day and spend a few minutes thinking about you read.
That's it for this week. I hope you've learned something new that will help you moving forward.
Have a great week ahead.
- Eric